Tuesday, July 10, 2012


 This tut was written by Kel on July 10, 2012

Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
Do not copy this tutorial or post it through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
This tutorial was written using PSP9,but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
You will need A tube,font and a scrap kit of choice.
I used:
"The Bees Knees". You can purchase it here:
I used  tubes by Suzanne Woolcott.
You need a license to use her art work.
You can purchase her tubes here:
I used Becky's template #52 here:
You should really check our her site. She has great tuts. I love everything on her blog, lol.
Thanks Becky for letting me use this Template.

Ok Ready?

1.Open a paper of choice shift d to duplicate and close the original.
Resize it to 900 pixels, so it will be easier to use.

2.Open a new image 600 pixels by 600 pixels.

3.Paste the paper as a new layer.

4.Now go to image~ picture frame and frame your layer.
 ss1 shows the settings I used.
Now over on your layer pallet find your frame layer (the white layer above your paper layer.)
Selections- select all, select float, defloat and invert.
Click on your paper layer and hit delete.
Now delete the white layer.

5.Open Becky's template and shift+d To duplicate.
Close the original.
Go image canvas size.
ss2 shows my settings:

6.delete the white background layer and the credits layer.
I used a scrap kit so i deleted the heart and flower layers.
But if your  not using a scrap kit or if you just love them...Which I totally do.
Don't delete
I just wanted to try out a new scrap kit.LMBO...

7.Ok.Highlight the "frame fills" layer on your layer pallet.
go selections select all, float then defloat.
now paste a paper of choice as a new layer.move it till your happy with it.
Then go selections invert and hit delete on the keyboard. Select none.
Delete the "frame fills layer".

8.Go up to the frame trim 1.Fill it with a color of choice from your tube.
Now merge down the frames frame trim 1 and 2 the shadow and the layer you just filled.

9.Now repeat steps 7 and 8 on the "friendship layers".

10.If your keeping the hearts and flowers,repeat 7 and 8 on them.

11.Now is the time to add elements of choice.
Add a drop shadow to all your elements.
Also move your text under the friendship word art if desired.
Its beautiful just the way it is.

12.Now go back to the background image you made.Copy and paste it as a new layer
onto the template image your working on.
Drag it below everything in the layer pallette.
Resize it and add a drop shadow if desired.

13.Add your choice of tubes and © Now.

14.When your happy with your tag...Merge visible.Select all,float and defloat it.
Now go to image and crop to selection.

15. Add your name in your choice of font and add the text effects,You would like.

16.Save it as a png and your done.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
Hugs from Kel

Thanks for trying my tutorial!
I hope you are  happy with your results!
Hugs from Kelli


  1. Lovely tag, and really nice tutorial.

    P.S. Thanks for the plug and the tag. :o)

  2. Thanks for the comment and for sharing your talent!
    I will definately be writing more tuts using your awesome supplies!
